COUNT VII – Exhibits in support of Count #7
Exhibit K- #1… [Convention] The Fountainhead of Faith Doing What Faith Does / 3 pages
Exhibit K- #2…The Adjustment Bureau & Synagogue / 1 page
Exhibit K- #3… [Emerging Church] of THEIRS – A B C Ministries of THEIRS / 5 pages
K-3 [Emerging Church]
K-3 [Emerging Church] List of
Exhibit K- #4… The ABC’s Ministries of THEIRS – An Alternative Worthship / 21 pages
K-4 ABC Ministries pages 3 to 21
Exhibit K- #5… [A B C’s of Faith] & The Religious Triggers of [Temple Taxes] / 79 pages
K-5 [A B C of Faith] & Religious Triggers
K-5 [Temple Taxes] 7806
K-5 Temple Taxes 76 pages from IRM
Exhibit K- #6… [Temple Taxes] [Penalties & Interests of THEIRS] / 8 pages
Exhibit K- #7… Religious Faith Envisioned & Practiced – Wailing Wall / 2 pages
Exhibit K- #8… [Orthodoxy of THEIRS] see attached listed of terms and words/ 9 pages
K-8 [Orthodoxy of THEIRS] attach list of terms
Exhibit K- #9… [Orthodoxy of THEIRS] An Analysis of Federal Income Tax Laws / 33 pages
Exhibit K- #10… The Converts of THE-IRS – Taxprayers & Definitions §7701 / 9 pages
K-10 Definitions
K-10 The Converts of THE-IRS- Taxprayers
Exhibit K- #11… The Taxprayers of THE-IRS – §§ 861 & 862 Income from sources / 20 pages
Exhibit K- #12… Hybrid Congregation of THEIRS, [body of believers] / 12 pages
Exhibit K- #13… The Anointed: The Chosen Ones of Taxology / 2 pages
Exhibit K- #14… Believers of THEIRS / 6 pages
Exhibit K- #15… T.R.U.E. Believers in Taxism [Their Religion Unify Everyone] / 14 pages
Exhibit K- #16… The Devoted Minions of THEIRS / 1 page
Exhibit K- #17… Chosen People &/or Chosen Taxprayers of Taxology / 17 pages
K-17 282 F.3d 610 (1)
K-17 Chosen people or persons
Exhibit K- #18… Taxpayer – President Ronald Reagan Quote / 3 pages
Exhibit K- #19… Followers of IRS’ Faith – IRS Employees / 4 pages
Exhibit K- #20… Supporters of IRS’ Faith: IRS Volunteers, Blind Leading the Blind / 3 pages
Exhibit K- #21… IRS’ Revenue Agents: Zealots of THEIRS / 1 page
Exhibit K- #22… New Age Prophets: CPA Advisors & others practicing before IRS /28 pages
Exhibit K- #23… IRS Discipleship of THEIRS: The Takers of Souls / 2 pages
Exhibit K- #24… [Worthship] & dependent conditions for a Body of Believers / 17 pages
Exhibit K- #25… [Worthship] & dependent conditions for a Body of Believers / 86 pages
Exhibit K- #26… Adherents of THEIRS / 2 pages
Exhibit K- #27… The Lost, but Found Govspel of THEIRS (Tax Expenditures) … /29 pages
Exhibit K- #28… IRS Non-Believers of THEIRS aka “nontaxpayers” / 2 pages
Exhibit K- #29… IRS Non-Believers of THEIRS: aka Any Person that is a Non-Filer / 28 pages
Exhibit K- #30… IRS’ Holy Rollers: Tax Division U.S. Department of Justice / 22 pages
Exhibit K- #31…IRS’ Human Capital / 12 pages
Exhibit K- #32… [Abatements] i.e. Salvation & Forgiveness IRS Fresh Start / 7 pages
Exhibit K- #33… [Abatements] i.e. Salvation – Simple as A B C / 6 pages
Exhibit K- #34… [Abatements] i.e. Salvation First Time Penalty abatements / 4 pages
Exhibit K- #35… [Abatements] i.e. Salvation IRS Tax Tip 2012-48 / 16 pages
Exhibit K- #36… Black Theology of Legalism: The ABC’s of Salvation / 231 pages
Exhibit K- #37… Black Theology of Legalism: Definitions §7701 / 39 pages
Exhibit K- #38… Spiritual Transcendence- Spiritual Purgatory of THEIRS / 2 pages
Exhibit K- #39… The Rapture, Spiritual Marriage &Revelations of THEIRS / 18 pages
Exhibit K- #40… IRS’ Deacons of Deception / 21 pages
Exhibit K- #41… Debtors Prisons of THEIRS / 31 pages
Exhibit K- #42… IRS Forbidden Fruit / 23 pages
Exhibit K- #43… IRS Rethink Church: IRS endorsement of The Church of Reality / 224 pages
Exhibit K- #44… Source: What part of the 16th Amend. does the IRS not understand? /26 pages
Exhibit K- #45… Census: What part of the 16th Amend. does the IRS not understand? /10 pages
Exhibit K- #46… Enumeration: What part of the 16th Amend. Does the IRS not underst / 9 pages
Exhibit K- #47… [To LIVE as EVIL] Inherit The Wind/Cross References summary / 15 pages
Exhibit K- #48… Core Values of THEIRS with NO CFR under §7122 Compromises / 5 pages
Exhibit K- #49… Separating the Wheat from the Chaff – Offer in Compromises / 9 pages