THE IRS [Creed] of Taxology
[“Our core values guide our path to achieving our vision.”]
Creeds are in a sub-category under religion. That is, a creed as a formulation which attempts to give a concise summation of some key elements that makes up the structure of a particular religion. Creeds are usually developed in response to heresy. This means, once someone comes along to challenge the status quo of the religion, it becomes necessary for the adherents to develop a particular creed to clarify the orthodox position of the religion. A creed is generally a statement of faith in some principle or idea that a group will determine to follow. Most religions have a creed, or a statement of faith. The IRS has a creed for an Organized Religion of THEIRS:
“Our core values guide our path to achieving our vision.”
The House of Representatives is established to represent “We The People” core values, creating a path guided by the U.S. Constitution to allow each of us our vision of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Question: What does this [Creed] have to do with the power in laying & collecting taxes on incomes?
An IRS creed as the formulation used for the religious experiences of Taxpayers being converted as Taxprayers and to advance its dogma & beliefs through the religious conversion of citizens into customers by an [Organized Religion of THEIRS] (“[Taxology]”). | “IRS Strategic Plan 2005-2009” |
The Creed of an Organized Religion of THEIRS
[“Our core values guide our path to achieving our vision.”]
THE IRS Vision of Reaching a Religion of Reality
IRS Strategic Plan
Fiscal year 2000-2005
Publication 3744 2-2001 Catalog Number 31685B
Plaintiff avers Defendants’ IRS Strategic Plan, Fiscal year 2000-2005, Publication 3744 3-2001 Catalog Number 31685B does not state that this document is a IRS Strategic Business Plan.
Plaintiff [believes] Defendants’ IRS Strategic Plan, Fiscal year 2000-2005 is to advance an organized religion’s beliefs, practices and convictions of Taxology.
“If we achieve this plan, taxpayers, employees, and the IRS’ many other stakeholders will realize major benefits for years to come.” – Page 1
Plaintiff [believes] many religions promote the idea and plan if you follow their beliefs and practices you “will realize major benefits for years to come.”
Plaintiff’s avers other stakeholders of the IRS is equal to backers, participants, or interested party by other churches he has attend,
“Tax practitioners and other stakeholders will find it easier and more productive to work with the IRS.”- Page 1
(Plaintiff [believes] by becoming a certain type or class of person I may “find it easier and more productive to work with the IRS” but that is not my concept of a right to a pursuit of happiness.)
“In other words, we can and must have balance.”- Page 3
Plaintiff [believes] religion can and must have balance.
“People should pay what they owe.” – Page 3
Plaintiff avers reason or religion makes people should pay what they owe, because we should give to Caesar what is Caesar and give to God what belongs to God.
“Our core values guide our path to achieving our vision.” – Page 4
Plaintiff [believes] this religious creed is like so many church creeds that offer salvation in core values of their beliefs with a guiding path for redemption only to achieve a vision of THEIRS.
“Our tax system depends on each person who is voluntarily meeting his or her tax obligations having confidence that his or her neighbor or competitor is also complying.”- Page 4
Plaintiff’s avers this is a Taxology concept and Defendants’ message of endorsement of an organized religion bearing exact semblances of syncretism: Love thy neighbor as thy self. Plaintiff’s avers what my “neighbor or competitor is also complying” with has nothing to do with me or having confidence with their beliefs and practices.
“Partnering – We listen to our stakeholders and work closely with them.” – Page 4
Plaintiff’s avers his church pastor listen to our members, and work closely with them.
“Noncompliance is not necessarily deliberate, but can stem from a wide range of causes, including lack of knowledge, confusion, poor record keeping, differing legal interpretations, unexpected personal emergencies, and temporary cash flow problems.”- Page 4
Plaintiff’s avers many religion that preach a prosperity gospel offer the same analogies for a lack of faith or noncompliance with church bylaws not necessarily deliberate.
Plaintiff’s avers these analogies has nothing to do with the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes especially if a temporary cash flow problems.”
Plaintiff avers differing legal interpretations or unexpected personal emergencies has nothing to do with the Defendants power to lay and collect taxes on incomes from whatever source.
One of the guiding principle of THEIRS is “Understand and solve problems from the customer’s point of view”- Page 8
Plaintiff’s avers many religions “understand and solve problems” from the adherent’s “point of view”. Furthermore, customers do not pay taxes to the U.S. government, but citizens pay taxes.
Plaintiff’s avers Defendants organized religion converts U.S. Citizens into customers’ of THEIR.
Plaintiff’s avers what does this belief has to do with 26 U.S.C or rule of law or obeying the law. If our law and legal system is reduced to the adherent’s “point of view” then no law could ever be enforced.
Many if not all religions are concern with or meet the needs of its members, many who are taxpayers… “Meet the needs of taxpayers” – Page 9
Many if not all religions recognize burdens including Taxology “Reduce taxpayer burden”–Page 9
“Deal effectively with the global economy.” – Page 10… Now that a taxing thought! However what does this thought have to do with laying and collecting taxes on incomes?
“Provide high-quality, efficient and responsive information services and shared support services.” – Page 11. Every church Plaintiff knows of offers efficient and responsive information services and shared support services.”
Page 43- “Promote effective asset and information stewardship” Most churches have stewardship programs.
“Demonstrate effective stewardship of assets and information entrusted to the IRS” Page 40
Apparently the IRS are the new stewardship of assets and information.
“Expanding service through partnerships” Page 46 Many religions or churches have expanded church services. In Taxology you’re partnership is a practice in an organized religion of THEIRS. Partnerships with the IRS means you get some of your money backs for the core values of THEIRS.
The religion Scientology has compliance agreements also. “Voluntary Compliance Agreements” – Page 47
“Published Guidance” Most churches have stewardship and membership published or written programs for the proper guidance involving the many forms of taxing matters or issues that that effects the values, wealth and happiness of people. Page 48
“Offers in Compromise” Plaintiff religious beliefs, also like many Christian churches teaching involves matters of compromise and how we should never compromise our personal values or accept offers in compromising our religious beliefs for material wants or desires to submit to wrongful practices. Page 59
Our program evaluation, risk analysis, and strategic studies will involve a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods to help us assess our programs, operations, and activities. We will use several methods, including behavioral and attitudinal survey techniques, operations and process analysis, case studies, root cause analysis, econometric and other modeling techniques, structured and focus group interviews, regression analysis, and other statistical techniques. Now that a revelation! However what does this thought have to do with laying and collecting taxes on incomes? Page 106
Plaintiff avers in Defendants’ IRS Strategic Plan, Fiscal year 2005-2009, publication #3744…
“Service + Enforcement = Compliance” is declared on the bottom of each page- beginning with Page 2 through Page 34 This is something out of the wicked playbook of NAZI Germany!
Plaintiff [believes] and [conscience] dictates religious dogma of “Service + Enforcement = Compliance” has nothing to do with Defendants power to lay and collect taxes on incomes.
Plaintiff avers Defendants’ activities of “Service + Enforcement = Compliance” has everything to do with Faith and Fear for an organized religion of religion.
Plaintiff avers there is so much more about the [Creed] of the IRS, however Plaintiff is in real fear of losing soul if compelled to profess the religious beliefs and practices of Defendant IRS having the total facade of a taxing system and the precise fascia or an outlook of a personal stake as defined, designed, driven, devalued, degraded, deprived, or fearful of being eternal destroyed by law respecting an establishment of religion in a matrix of religious dealings.
[“Our core values guide our path to achieving our vision.”]
[A Complacent Policy of Indifference to Evil]
How we see religion may have nothing to do with the ‘effects’ any religion has manifested over us all.
IRS’ [Creed], Atmosphere, Environment & Realm
Exhibits P List in support of [OVC]
Exhibit P- #1… The Raised Altar of THEIRS built upon the sacred trust of citizens / 2 pages
Exhibit P- #2… IRS CORE Values particular expressions of one’s values / 51 pages
Exhibit P- #3… U.S. Supreme Court versus The ABC’s of Salvation & IRS Values / 28 pages
Exhibit P-#4… IRS Holy War of THEIRS creating a rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight/ 2 p.
Exhibit P- #5… Conditional Values of THEIRS – 26 U.S. Code §7122 Compromise / 5 pages
Exhibit P- #6… Personal Stake to reflect the probable intent of Congress Amendments/ 99 pages
Exhibit P- #7… CODIFICATION to reflect the probable intent of Congress / 10 pages
Exhibit P- #8… Defendants’ redesignation, redesignated & redesignating law or § thereof/ 171 p
Exhibit P- #9… Internal Revenue Title referred to in subsection (a)(1) is as follows: * * *. /9 p.
Exhibit P- #10… Collective Hopes of THEIRS / Missing Children Program / 74 pages
Exhibit P- #11… Trial by Ordeal – passing a heartfelt judgement and its tests upon others /10 p.
Exhibit P- #12… Collective Exp. of religious dominance, decisions & taxing dimensions / 5 p.
Exhibit P- #13… THE IRS Questioning Our Values / 1 page
Exhibit P- #14… Unlock Your Promise – The “What Ifs” for Struggling Taxpayers / 4 pages
Exhibit P- #15… THE “EXAMINERS” of THEIRS – Importance of Court Decisions / 1 page
Exhibit P- #16… Sin of Greed with Wall Street Investments Banks in a Confidence Game / 2 p.
Exhibit P- #17… Who is the “secretary of the Treasury” IRS web page Statutory Authority /4 p.
Exhibit P- #18… Who is the “secretary of the treasury” found in 26 U.S. Code §432(e)(G) /1p.