COUNT I – Exhibits in support of Count #1
Exhibit E- #1… THE IRS [Creed] of Taxology / IRS Strategic Plans 2000-2005 / 109 pages
Exhibit E- #2… [Purpose-Driven Life]- The semblances of religion, inter alia / 12 pages
Exhibit E- #3…. [THE CODE] is Law Respecting an Establishment of Religion / 7 pages
Exhibit E- #4… [Burdens] Unworldly Zeal or Religious Fervor of THEIRS / 4 pages
Exhibit E- #5…. [Burdens] Collective Experience Mission of Taxology / 13 pages
Exhibit E- #6… [Burdens] Collective Experience v. Our Independence / 6 pages
Exhibit E- #7…. [Burdens]…not hard to believe & Tax Code spans 70,000 pages/ 7 pages
Exhibit E- #8…The OUTER LIMITS – Parallel Tables – A list of No CFR for Title 26 / 17 pages
Exhibit E- #9… Field of Dreams – Parallel Tables numerous CFR for other Titles / 32 pages
Exhibit E- #10… [THE CODE] Ignorance Is a Choice – Subchapter A / 5 pages
Exhibit E- #11… [THE CODE] Ignorance Is a Choice – Subchapter C / 26 pages
Exhibit E- #12… [THE CODE] Ignorance Is a Choice – Subchapter D / 8 pages
Exhibit E- #13… [THE CODE] Face Sheet of each Subtitle involved in case / 1 page
Exhibit E- #14… [THE CODE] CCH Federal Tax Law Keeps Piling Up / 1 page
Exhibit E- #15… [THE CODE] – Subtitle A- Chapter 1 / 50 pages
Exhibit E- #16… [THE CODE] – Subtitle A- Chapter 2 / 2 pages
Exhibit E- #17… [THE CODE] – Subtitle C- Chapter 21 / 2 pages
Exhibit E- #18… [THE CODE] – Subtitle C- Chapter 23 / 2 pages
Exhibit E- #19… [THE CODE] – Subtitle C- Chapter 24 / 2 pages
Exhibit E- #20… [THE CODE] – Subtitle C- Chapter 25 / 2 pages
Exhibit E- #21… [THE CODE] – Subtitle D- Chapter 35 / 2 pages
Exhibit E- #22… [THE CODE] – Subtitle F- Chapter 61 through Chapter 80 / 26 pages
Exhibit E- #23… [Refunds] Seed Money & Rise of the Seed Faith, Save for a Rainy Day/2 pages
Exhibit E- #24… [Refunds] Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread vs. Earning you’re…/ 2 pages
Exhibit E- #25… [Moralistic] Theology of Money / 1 Page
Exhibit E- #26… [Moralistic] Spirituality through Materialism / 4 Page
Exhibit E- #27… Sindustry of THEIRS – Moral Arguments & Moral Hazards / 11 pages
Exhibit E- #28… The Built Environments of THE-IRS / 3 pages
Exhibit E- #29…“The Four Protocols” of the Apocalypse / 1 pages
Exhibit E- #30… Religious Threads of Taxology and Taxism / 1 page
Exhibit E- #31… Religious Syncretism of THEIRS / 1 page
Exhibit E- #32… TAXTAN – The Essence of Taxology’s TAXTAN / 9 pages
Exhibit E- #33… IRS Vision Quest – §7851. Applicability of revenue laws / 11 pages
Exhibit E- #34… IRS Dogma “See” those Speaking in Tongues Sowing the [See]ds of Faith/38