COUNT VI – Exhibits in support of Count #6
Exhibit J- #1… [Ministries] The Church Without Walls / 1 page
Exhibit J- #2… [Mega Church]- IRS Worthship Ministries / 3 page
J-2 Mega Church] § 501(c)
J-2 The Mega Church – IRS Worthship Ministries
Exhibit J- #3… [Taxing Trinity] of THEIRS “The Bureau” “The Agency” “The Service” /1 page
Exhibit J- #4… [Taxing Trinity] “One Look. One Voice. One IRS.” / 43 pages
Exhibit J- #5… [Confession] = [Voluntary Compliance] / 5 page
Exhibit J- #6… [Confession] of Faith in [Form 1040] & Amended Return Form 1040X / 7 pages
Exhibit J- #7… [Prior Restraint] § 7421 – Prohibition of suits to restraint / 2 page
Exhibit J- #8… Federal Tax Return Filing Status/Badge of Protected Speech / 2 pages
Exhibit J- #9… [Form 1040] viewpoint based restrictions on protected speech / 12 pages
Exhibit J- #10… [Form 1040] IRS Covenant to convert taxpayers into taxprayers / 2 pages
Exhibit J- #11… [Form 1040] An Act of Faith in a petition [Form 1040] from taxprayers/3 pages
Exhibit J- #12… [Form 1040] viewpoint based restriction on protected speech & / 106 pages
Exhibit J- #13… [Form 1040] is a forum of expressive activity / 3 pages
Exhibit J- #14… [Dispensation] THE IRS Zenith: Money Madness / 2 pages
Exhibit J- #15… [Dispensation] Left Behind or a religious viewpoint of the Rapture / 1 page
Exhibit J- #16… [Dispensation] Government Bailout Plan as Core Political Speech / 4 pages
Exhibit J- #17… [Dispensation] “IN GREED WE TRUST” / 1 page
Exhibit J- #18… F.A.T.E. Who Must File? / 2 pages
Exhibit J- #19… Forbidden Accounting Transforms Everything / 5 pages
Exhibit J- #20… Spiritualism’s Union of THEIRS – IRS Unification / 6 pages
Exhibit J- #21… THE IRS Sign of the Cross –Theology Sign / 3 pages
Exhibit J- #22… Apprising Ministries or Official Taxing Sects / 3 page
Exhibit J- #23… The Collective Hopes of THEIRS – A Leap of Faith / 1 page