COUNT III – Exhibits in support of Count #3
Exhibit G- #1… Intellectual Tithing for a Religion of Reality- Tree of Knowledge / 44 pages
Exhibit G- #2… Intellectual Tithing & Offerings for a Religion of Submission / 28 pages
Exhibit G- #3… [Internal Religious Service aka IRS] (“[IRS]”) /20 pages
Exhibit G- #4…An IRS Pilgrimage TAS document in search for the truth / 1 pages
Exhibit G- #5…An IRS Pilgrimage – Knowing the Unknowable Answers Exist / 2 pages
Exhibit G- #6… The Promise Land & [THE BOOK] “IRS Historical Fact Book” /4 pages
Exhibit G- #7… IRS Moral Inception a [thought crime] /1 page
Exhibit G- #8… Nonconformists: Right of Conscience vs. [thought crimes] /17 pages
Exhibit G- #9… [House of Worthship] Church of Taxology/Internal Revenue Service/ 5 pages
Exhibit G- #10… [IRS House of Worship] 14 Points of Policy/Criteria of an IRS Church/3 pages
Exhibit G- #11… Temple Currency of THEIRS – Tax Credits / 3 pages
Exhibit G- #12… [Tax Credits] [Refundable/Nonrefundable Tax Credits] / 24 pages
Exhibit G- #13… [THEIRS] [Systematic Theology of THEIRS] / 1 pages
Exhibit G- #14… [Systematic Theology of THEIRS] Redesignation of te IRC / 103 pages
Exhibit G- #15… [Systematic Theology of THEIRS] IRS Doctrine of / 62 pages
Exhibit G- #16… Temple Police of THE-IRS / 2 pages
Exhibit G- #17… The Religious Authority of THEIRS / 8 pages
Exhibit G- #18… The Wages of Sins is Death /2 pages
Exhibits M in support of [OVC]
Exhibit M-1 Plaintiff [Believes] in God’s Revelation
Exhibit M-1.2 Wrath – Taking an Alimony Deduction
Exhibit M-1.3 Greed- Failing to Report All Taxable Income
Exhibit M-1.4 Sloth- Claiming Day-Trading Losses on Schedule C
Exhibit M-1.5 Pride- Making Too Much Money
Exhibit M-1.6 Lust- Taking Large Charitable Deductions
Exhibit M-1.7 Envy- Running a Small Business
Exhibit M-1.8 Gluttony- Deducting Business Meals, Travel and Entertainment
Exhibit M-2 First Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Exhibit M-3 Where is the Hand of God
Exhibit M-4 Plaintiff [believes] in Spiritual Warfare
Exhibit M-5 [To LIVE as EVIL] v. In the Name of God
Exhibit M-5.2 Good Versus Evil
Exhibit M-5.3 Our Decision
Exhibit M-7 For God and Country
Exhibit M-8 -1 To Serve and Protect
Exhibit M-8 -2 Four Horsemen- America Civil Religion
Exhibit M-8 -3 Our… to fight for – Four Freedoms
Exhibit M-9 Key Signature America Needs a Prophet
Exhibit M-9.1 MEASURE As a boy became a Man
Exhibit M-9.2 THE TRUE MARK